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If you're an HR or benefits professional seeking cancer resources for your employees, or a consultant looking to provide best-in-class cancer support for your clients, share a few details below. We’ll reach out to help your company get started.

If you’re an employee looking for your AccessHope benefit, call 800.423.3232 and select Option 1.

NAHPC One-on-One interview with Mark Stadler

01/28/22 - National Alliance

AccessHope’s CEO Mark Stadler spoke with the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions’ President and CEO Michael Thompson One-On-One on how we democratize cancer expertise through employers and health plans. In the interview, Mark discusses that we exist to bring the knowledge of NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers to community-based oncologists, resulting in evidence-based for up to 92% of cases.

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Modern Healthcare One-on-One interview with City of Hope CEO Robert ...

01/25/22 - Modern Healthcare

City of Hope’s President and CEO Robert Stone spoke with Modern Healthcare’s Publisher Fawn Lopez One-On-One on innovatively democratizing access to scientific discoveries. He explains that people need timely access to experts in treating their specific types of cancers—through their own doctors within the communities they seek treatment—which they can get through AccessHope.

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There’s No Growth Without Health: Employee Wellbeing Is Non-Negotiable

07/24/21 - Forbes

Our Board Chair Dr. Harlan Levine spoke with Forbes about the urgent need for employers to help employees navigate a cancer diagnosis. A one-size-fits-all benefit doesn't work for cancer care, so AccessHope was created to personalize support, he explains, by taking NCI-level expertise to patients and their local oncologists, wherever they live.

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AccessHope Joins Collective Health's Premier Partner Program

07/20/21 - Collective Health

AccessHope has joined Collective Health's Premier Partner Program™. The program helps employers navigate the complex digital landscape to easily select, integrate, and evaluate digital health partners for their 2022 benefits offering. While exploring the curated set of partners, they'll also gain deep insights on how to select the right solutions.

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Cancer Benefits and Early Detection

06/22/21 - HR Works Podcast by HR Daily Advisor

AccessHope's CEO Mark Stadler was featured on HR Daily Advisor’s HR Works podcast, where he discusses the importance of early cancer detection. During the episode, Mark dives into opportunities for employers to provide cancer-specific benefits that help enhance healthcare, patient experiences, and the value of cancer care for their employees nationwide.

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Prioritizing health and well-being will serve as a competitive ...

06/10/21 - Personalization Outbreak Podcast

AccessHope’s Chair of the Board Dr. Harlan Levine recently appeared on the Personalization Outbreak podcast to share information on AccessHope’s cancer support services. During the episode, Dr. Levine talks with its host, Glenn Llopis, about how AccessHope is working to extend access for employer plan members and their local oncologists to leading cancer expertise, closing the cancer knowledge gap while leveling cancer health disparities across the country.

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Democratizing access to cancer care with AccessHope

06/03/21 - Willis Towers Watson's Cure for the Common Co. Podcast

AccessHope's Chair of the Board Dr. Harlan Levine recently appeared as a guest on Willis Towers Watson’s Cure for the Common Co. podcast series. In this series that features industry leaders who are changing the way healthcare and employee benefits are delivered, Dr. Levine shares with Willis Towers Watson's Senior Director of Health and Benefits Steve Blumenfield and North America and Benefits Strategic Growth Leader Ron Fontanetta how AccessHope's remote model brings preeminent cancer expertise and outcomes to our members while addressing cancer health disparities.

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Telehealth best practices: How to best care for your patients when ...

05/20/21 - Authority Magazine

AccessHope’s CMO Dr. Todd Sachs recently spoke with Authority Magazine about his background in healthcare and lessons he has learned throughout his career. In the interview, he articulates the benefits of in-person visits while discussing the challenges of virtual visits for patients, and then based on his experience, shares ways physicians can make the most of remote healthcare, especially for those living with cancer.

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Robert Stone: City of Hope aims to transform cancer care nationally ...

04/02/21 - The Cancer Letter

AccessHope offers a new model that remotely connects more people with cancer through their employer health benefits to world-class cancer support from the leading institutions City of Hope and Northwestern Medicine. By engaging these employees’ local healthcare providers into collaborative relationships, AccessHope is extending the reach of leading cancer expertise to elevate local cancer care, creating a system that increases patient access to potentially lifesaving support.

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UT Southwestern Medical Center Partners with AccessHope to extend nationwide access to cancer expertise 

Read the Press Release